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Before you plan what green you will wear on St. Paddy’s Day, get your disc golf bag in shape with DGU. Our second edition ShamRocs with artwork from Marm O. Set have all of the St. Patrick’s Day lucky charms you could ask for.
The Artwork:
When artist Marm O. Set was creating the ShamRoc he thought back to his childhood when his family, who were Irish and Scottish history/mythology buffs, made trips to those countries.
When touring there he saw a lot of the intricately etched stone work that area is famous for. And he drew upon those memories for this year’s ShamRoc design.
Well executed typography is so striking you often don’t need additional illustrations for an effective piece, said Marm O. Set.
“My goal for this year’s ShamRoc was to create a wordmark so saturated with Irish culture that no additional illustrations were needed. In the end, though, we thought the addition of the circular knotwork helped strengthen the piece,” said Marm O. Set.
Why you should buy it:
These DGU ShamRocs just keep getting better and better. Continue your collection with Marm O. Set’s intricately detailed design, all on highly useful midranges that will stay in your bag’s lineup year after year.
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